Best quotes by Lucky Blue Smith on Me

Checkout quotes by Lucky Blue Smith on Me

  • I love my name. I didn't used to when I was a kid. People called me Lucky Charms, after the breakfast cereal.
    - Lucky Blue Smith
  • My parents have seen me flirt with girls in front of them, so they're kind of used to it.
    - Lucky Blue Smith
  • When I moved to L.A. a few years ago, my sister hung out with a couple of people with big followings. I'd hang out with them, too, and eventually was tagged in a picture with Acacia Brinley, who does a lot on YouTube. She got me from, like, 6,000 to 17,000 followers over a couple of days.
    - Lucky Blue Smith
  • I don't know if any famous people follow me, but their daughters definitely do.
    - Lucky Blue Smith
  • I don't want to be one of those kids who gets famous and then changes and becomes cocky. That's why it's so important to me to try and take a photo with every girl who comes to see me.
    - Lucky Blue Smith
  • When I was 12, there was a kid a couple of grades older than me who was picking on my sisters. No matter how big they were, I would defend them.
    - Lucky Blue Smith