Best quotes by Bret Hart on Me

Checkout quotes by Bret Hart on Me

  • I do remember meeting 'The Donald.' He seemed to really enjoy the WrestleMania 4 battle royal. He watched me take a very hard front turnbuckle bump, and it seemed to stun him that I wasn't seriously hurt. Backstage, Trump gave me a big smile and a handshake.
    - Bret Hart
  • All the times they put tag titles on me, Intercontinental titles on me, or the world title on me, the only time I couldn't defend the title was when I had to forfeit the belt when I quit WCW and retired from wrestling forever.
    - Bret Hart
  • Bill Goldberg kicked me in the head and ended my career because he didn't know what he was doing.
    - Bret Hart
  • I don't know about England so much, but in Germany and some of these other countries, the pink was something that they liked. For those kids, the pink and black and the whole look with the sunglasses and the leather jacket was the right kind of hero they could get behind, and I think that really set me apart from everyone else.
    - Bret Hart
  • I think Daniel Bryan reminds me a lot of my brother, Owen.
    - Bret Hart