Best quotes by Rachel Platten on Love

Checkout quotes by Rachel Platten on Love

  • 'Stand By You' is about sticking by the person you love not only when things are easy, but being there for them during trials and letting them know they aren't alone.
    - Rachel Platten
  • The adventurer in me would love to visit Patagonia, Chile.
    - Rachel Platten
  • I love... different kinds of music. I like classical music and pop music. I like alternative, and I like rap, hip-hop, and I kind of collected all these things that I love, and they infused my sensibilities, and I just wanted to sing because it felt like it needed to come out of me.
    - Rachel Platten
  • I have a song about being in love. I have a song about being supportive. There's inspiring ones, and there's some that show a little bit more fun and daring. It really is a range of who I am.
    - Rachel Platten
  • I love Kelly Clarkson's message, and I've heard comparisons to P!nk.
    - Rachel Platten
  • My friends and family have always been extremely supportive, but the support I've received from fans has been so overwhelming. I love hearing all of their 'Fight Song' stories; I have been so inspired by so many of them.
    - Rachel Platten
  • I want to continue to remain present and grateful each day that I get to be doing what I love. Making and performing music I believe in.
    - Rachel Platten
  • I love helping friends, and I like to think I am a good listener and supportive. I'm also just kind of nosy, so it would satisfy my need to know other people's stories.
    - Rachel Platten
  • I love playing sports. I'm overly eager and aggressive and not very skilled, so it leads to many small injuries.
    - Rachel Platten
  • I'm a closet outdoorsy athletic enthusiast, and I would love to do a rafting and hiking trip someday and maybe sleep in a treehouse and bathe in a chilly winding river.
    - Rachel Platten