Best quotes by Gareth Barry on Game

Checkout quotes by Gareth Barry on Game

  • Against Chelsea, you will have periods in the game when you are right up against it, when they keep the ball. They are pretty solid the way they set their team up.
    - Gareth Barry
  • I knew my first game at Everton wasn't going to be a stroll around the pitch.
    - Gareth Barry
  • If you win games, you think things are comfortable, and they are not. The best players don't think that way, and that's why they get to where they are: they don't worry about what has gone on and think only about the next game.
    - Gareth Barry
  • Everyone's expecting you to be playing fantastic football, winning every game, and course it doesn't happen like that.
    - Gareth Barry
  • You play the game to win things, and if you asked me whether I would want to finish in the top four or win the FA Cup, it'd be FA Cup every time.
    - Gareth Barry