Best quotes by Lily Cole on Me

Checkout quotes by Lily Cole on Me

  • The need to protect the environment has emerged as an undeniably important priority for me.
    - Lily Cole
  • It doesn't make me very happy to be on my computer all the time. I've never been drawn to that world.
    - Lily Cole
  • I don't personally follow trends; I don't even like the idea of trends. I think it's kind of absurd that you have to change every six months, so I always try and buy things that hopefully I'll like forever, and resonate with me.
    - Lily Cole
  • America has had an influence on me, as has going out with a Cuban-American guy and having lots of American friends. But I am still fundamentally British and speak with a British accent and feel very English.
    - Lily Cole
  • Modelling, fashion and film have all encouraged me to learn more about issues and to feel empowered enough to do something about them.
    - Lily Cole
  • Don't overpluck your eyebrows. A make-up artist told me this once, and I've always remembered it.
    - Lily Cole
  • People do make assumptions about models. That's their issue, not mine. It doesn't bother me because I'm comfortable enough in my own skin - I know who I am.
    - Lily Cole