Best quotes by Jay Asher on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Jay Asher on Knowledge

  • I don't know anything about bullying in Huntington Beach specifically, but I would assume it's very similar to other places.
    - Jay Asher
  • If we know it's happening, and we're not having the discussion, we're contributing to the problem of making it seem like people can't open up.
    - Jay Asher
  • I really love visiting schools - in fact, that's my favorite part of being an author now - even though I still get stage fright! When I visit schools, I know I'm going to be talking to some kids who don't like to read.
    - Jay Asher
  • Bullying has been around forever, and so it became one of these issues that as an adult we look back on and say, 'Yeah, it's just one of those unfortunate parts of growing up.' You know you're not going to stop it, so it just became easier to call it one of those things that 'just happens.'
    - Jay Asher
  • As an author, I love to know my book sells really well.
    - Jay Asher