Best quotes by Lee Corso on Me

Checkout quotes by Lee Corso on Me

  • Bill Murray made the headlines by throwing me down and stomped me on the set with Clemson.
    - Lee Corso
  • Remember one thing about ESPN: People can be critical of them sometimes for being a large corporation but nine years ago I had a stroke and I couldn't talk. That's the way I made my living. ESPN could've dumped me very easy, but they didn't. They helped me and presented me an opportunity to get back on the air.
    - Lee Corso
  • I wouldn't coach football now for nothing, and it's because of social media. That just bothers the heck out of me. People blast ya and you don't put their name down.
    - Lee Corso
  • Everybody asks me, 'Lee when did you know it was time to retire?' I said, 'when they quit asking me to coach.' After the Orlando Renegades, not many people were busting down my doors to coach, so why not do something else.
    - Lee Corso
  • The one thing that saved me is that in 17 years of coaching I never had an NCAA investigator talk to one of my players. I lost games, but I lost the right way.
    - Lee Corso
  • Tough times were when I didn't have a job and nobody called me.
    - Lee Corso
  • Television was almost a natural for me.
    - Lee Corso
  • You can't buy the loyalty that ESPN has showed to me.
    - Lee Corso