Best quotes by Frankie Cosmos on People

Checkout quotes by Frankie Cosmos on People

  • I meet a lot of people after shows, and I have to say it's pretty intense.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • I'm always the one sitting at the merch table and talking to everyone at the show - and I think it's because I have this deep fear that if I'm not approachable or I'm not there, people are going to think I'm a brat.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • What I really care about is writing... Some people feel about touring the way I feel about writing, which is, 'Whoa, I can't believe I get to do this as a job.'
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • My brother was 13 when people started telling me that he was a 'hipster.' I was 11 and thought it was so stressful, like, 'How do you not be called that?'
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • You meet a lot of people in New York who are different than you and have different stories, so I see everyone as super individual. I feel like I can be infinitely inspired because New York is huge.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • There've been times on tour when people have said to us, 'Yeah, your band is really simple.' But it's really not.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • I've definitely gotten to the point where we get to the venue, and people know that I'm in charge of the band.
    - Frankie Cosmos
  • One of the cool things about traveling and being a musician is that you meet so many people who have studied different things and have different careers.
    - Frankie Cosmos