Best quotes by Stephen Hough on Me

Checkout quotes by Stephen Hough on Me

  • The hierarchy is set out for me. The first priority is piano. I have to be 101 percent prepared. I find that at other times of the day, if the creative juices are working, I might want to write or compose.
    - Stephen Hough
  • I love my painting - it fills me with passion. But it's not something I expect anyone else to love.
    - Stephen Hough
  • I can admire music where you feel the composer has everything organized and perfectly shaped, but it doesn't touch me. I like to feel that a composer is wounded, like all of us.
    - Stephen Hough
  • To me, the heart of the ministry lies in being able to help deeply distressed people, not because of your own qualities but because you represent Christ.
    - Stephen Hough
  • One of the things that touches me most when I play for an audience is that although we may be unable to communicate in words or have diametrically opposed views on hot-button issues, while the music sounds we can be at peace, we can be friends. The vibrations that fill an auditorium have no passports, and they unite ears when hearts may be divided.
    - Stephen Hough
  • If they say they don't like the way I play Beethoven, then I can swallow that, and maybe they're right. But if they don't like what I've written, then it's about me.
    - Stephen Hough