Best quotes by Naomi Wolf on Women

Checkout quotes by Naomi Wolf on Women

  • The idea that women are innately gentle is a fantasy, and a historically recent one. Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction, is depicted as wreathed in male human skulls; the cruel entertainments of the Romans drew audiences as female as they were male; Boudicca led her British troops bloodily into battle.
    - Naomi Wolf
  • To ask women to become unnaturally thin is to ask them to relinquish their sexuality.
    - Naomi Wolf
  • Most urgently, women's identity must be premised upon our 'beauty' so that we will remain vulnerable to outside approval, carrying the vital sensitive organ of self-esteem exposed to the air.
    - Naomi Wolf
  • From 1970 onwards, our culture told both sexes that individual expression was paramount. And for women, that was defined as the right to choose an interesting a career, a high-status mate, the desirable handbag or vacation, the perfect family size, and a definitionally fruitless quest for 'perfection.'
    - Naomi Wolf
  • Women have face-lifts in a society in which women without them appear to vanish from sight.
    - Naomi Wolf
  • Western women have been controlled by ideals and stereotypes as much as by material constraints.
    - Naomi Wolf
  • How is it even sustainable in 21st-century America that women earn, on average, 77 cents for every dollar earned by men?
    - Naomi Wolf
  • For Gore 2000, I was a formal campaign adviser: contrary to RNC mythology, my brief was not 'wardrobe,' but rather policy on women's issues, and messaging. I was also married to a Clinton speechwriter, and observed the message decision-making process from the perspective of a spouse.
    - Naomi Wolf
  • When I was a baby feminist, leading feminist thinkers were insisting that if women ran the world, there would be no sadism or war.
    - Naomi Wolf
  • I don't think most men do hate women at all - I think most men are trying their best and facing a culturation into masculine behaviour that forces them to deny their own humanity and to exaggerate distance from the world of women.
    - Naomi Wolf