Best quotes by Lawrence O'Donnell on Time

Checkout quotes by Lawrence O'Donnell on Time

  • What MSNBC is, what cable news prime time has become in the shows that get the ratings, is the oped page of the newspaper.
    - Lawrence O'Donnell
  • You can be outraged by what the Koch brothers do with their money in politics and you can appreciate what they contribute to hospitals and medical research, and you can do that at the same time and still retain an ability to function.
    - Lawrence O'Donnell
  • I don't for one second spend any time thinking about carefully ingratiating myself with someone for the future.
    - Lawrence O'Donnell
  • I tend not to look at Twitter in the morning; I try to force myself not to, for time management. I'll look at it on the way to work.
    - Lawrence O'Donnell
  • Nixon's adroit use of television in 1952 was well ahead of its time.
    - Lawrence O'Donnell