Best quotes by Jane Fallon on People

Checkout quotes by Jane Fallon on People

  • I think it makes you a good listener about other people's relationships when you haven't got that much to say about your own.
    - Jane Fallon
  • Luckily my own life is uncomplicated, which lets me really enjoy other people's complicated messes!
    - Jane Fallon
  • I tend to make snap judgements about people.
    - Jane Fallon
  • I'm turning into one of those people who writes to the actors on 'Coronation Street' - a really obsessive fan.
    - Jane Fallon
  • People always say, 'My family is so normal,' and when you poke into them, they never are.
    - Jane Fallon
  • I think a lot of people assume you need to be born into a special creative family to have a career as a writer. So I never thought it would happen for me.
    - Jane Fallon
  • My biggest source of inspiration is listening to people's conversations. I'm a big eavesdropper.
    - Jane Fallon