Best quotes by Hilary Mantel on Time

Checkout quotes by Hilary Mantel on Time

  • History is always changing behind us, and the past changes a little every time we retell it.
    - Hilary Mantel
  • I spend a great deal of time on research, on finding all the available accounts of a scene or incident, finding out all the background details and the biographies of the people involved there, and I try to run up all the accounts side by side to see where the contradictions are, and to look where things have gone missing.
    - Hilary Mantel
  • Psychics tap into what is collective: our regret and our sense of time going by; our common repression and anxieties.
    - Hilary Mantel
  • I spend a lot of my time talking to the dead, but since I get paid for it, no one thinks I'm mad.
    - Hilary Mantel
  • Write a book you'd like to read. If you wouldn't read it, why would anybody else? Don't write for a perceived audience or market. It may well have vanished by the time your book's ready.
    - Hilary Mantel
  • I once stole a book. It was really just the once, and at the time I called it borrowing. It was 1970, and the book, I could see by its lack of date stamps, had been lying unappreciated on the shelves of my convent school library since its publication in 1945.
    - Hilary Mantel