Best quotes by Rob Halford on Life

Checkout quotes by Rob Halford on Life

  • The great thing about Priest, in all the years that we've been making heavy metal music, is that we've always kind of carried this metal flag, if you will - this beacon of hope that, no matter what you may be going through in life, there's always a sense of overcoming difficulties, a sense of winning, a sense of coming out on top.
    - Rob Halford
  • Music is there to get you through life's ups and downs, good times and not so good times.
    - Rob Halford
  • I think the last thing you want in life is to live with regret.
    - Rob Halford
  • That's the life, really, isn't it? You write. You record. You play. And it never grows old.
    - Rob Halford
  • Life is a beautiful thing, but a lot of it, it kind of replicates itself.
    - Rob Halford
  • If you look at the history of the LGBTQ community, from my perspective growing up as I did in the U.K. in the '50s, there was just terrible, terrible discrimination, you know? It was extremely difficult to live your life as you should have been allowed to do.
    - Rob Halford
  • When you make that choice of stepping out and facing the issue of disclosure, you do create this kind of self-imposed negative fear. It's unfortunate it still happens today. 'Do I step out and say I'm a gay guy?' But you have got to do it and live your life on your terms and no one else's terms.
    - Rob Halford
  • There are gay and lesbian people in all walks of life, in all different types of professions. I just happen to be a gay man who sings in a heavy metal band.
    - Rob Halford