Best quotes by Lauren Gibbs on Work

Checkout quotes by Lauren Gibbs on Work

  • It is funny, the things you miss about a more conventional lifestyle. I miss seemingly mundane tasks, like cleaning the kitchen, moving my furniture around to achieve just the right look, and checking the mailbox. I miss making my bed in the morning before work.
    - Lauren Gibbs
  • Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I'm so excited to work on sprinting the next day, because I'm such a bad sprinter.
    - Lauren Gibbs
  • When I graduated from college, I was told I could do great things and be great, but I didn't know what that meant and what it would feel like and the work that it would take.
    - Lauren Gibbs
  • I think the biggest thing to being an elite-level bobsledder is grit. You have to really want it. It's a very blue-collar sport. We do a lot of the work ourselves; we sand the runners, we wash the sled, we help maintain the sled. Obviously, we have a sled mechanic that travels with us, but a lot of the work we do ourselves.
    - Lauren Gibbs
  • I had a corporate job and wore a suit to work every day, and I just kind of felt like I wasn't living my authentic self or doing what I was passionate about.
    - Lauren Gibbs