Best quotes by Vlade Divac on Game

Checkout quotes by Vlade Divac on Game

  • To me, the game of basketball has always been about love.
    - Vlade Divac
  • Kobe's legacy is definitely one of the best players to play this game ever.
    - Vlade Divac
  • First of all, I would love to see people remember me as a good passer, not as a good flopper. But flopping was, in some period of my career, a part of my game, especially against Shaquille O'Neal. It was the only way I could try to stop him. And I did well, I guess.
    - Vlade Divac
  • In the early '80s there was a big gap between the NBA and the international game and when we started making our careers here in the NBA, obviously, we became better players. When we used to play each other on the international level, that gap became smaller and smaller.
    - Vlade Divac
  • I think when you play with someone, you tend to pick up their game and try to develop something together.
    - Vlade Divac
  • When I came in the NBA, it was more a U.S. game. Now you can watch the NBA anywhere in the world.
    - Vlade Divac
  • The game of basketball brings people together. It really doesn't matter where you are coming from. It's a game all of us love.
    - Vlade Divac
  • I played basketball because I loved the game. I played because I was making a lot of friends around the world... It's fun.
    - Vlade Divac