Best quotes by Laura van den Berg on World

Checkout quotes by Laura van den Berg on World

  • It's not easy to craft a novel that gradually erodes the reader's comprehension of the world, of reality and identity and the passage of time.
    - Laura van den Berg
  • There's the public self that we present to the outer world. There's the private self, which maybe takes more time to access. But ultimately, what I'm most interested in as a writer is a few notches below the private self.
    - Laura van den Berg
  • If I'm really rolling with a short story, I work on it everywhere and end up with a finished draft in a couple months, but a novel really demands that I step out of my life and vanish into the world of the book.
    - Laura van den Berg
  • The kind of dystopian books that I've always loved the most are the ones where you find yourself in a world that's less scorched-earth and instead a world that has just been made different.
    - Laura van den Berg
  • I think where a writer falls on the realism/non-realism continuum has a lot to do with their sight, as in, 'This is how I see the world.' And it seems my sight is off-kilter and kind of strange, but I come by that naturally; I'm not consciously pushing toward a particular point on the continuum.
    - Laura van den Berg
  • I love many realists but very strongly resist the notion that realism presents a less stylized, more authentic version of the world.
    - Laura van den Berg
  • I lived in Boston for three years, and during that time, I wrote my first collection of stories, 'What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us;' other stories that didn't make it into the collection; and several failed novel openings.
    - Laura van den Berg
  • In the world of the American creative writing workshop, I've encountered teachers who are tempted to place, or have actually placed, a moratorium on child narrators. Students love to write them, but children come laden with complications.
    - Laura van den Berg