Best quotes by K. Flay on Me

Checkout quotes by K. Flay on Me

  • There's only so many variations on the basics of human relationships. To me, it's all about the detail and how you tell the story. How you say, 'I love you.'
    - K. Flay
  • I don't put a ton of time into my on-stage style, largely because I'm dumb about clothes. But I have friends who are very smart about clothes, and they teach me things. For the show, I'm mainly concerned with feeling comfortable, being able to jump around and get wild.
    - K. Flay
  • I'm letting inspiration move me, in whatever direction it may, without concern if this sounds too rap or too indie, or there's too many words in it.
    - K. Flay
  • A friend of mine encouraged me to try rapping, so I started experimenting with it, writing verses, seeing if I could fit an extra word or syllable into each line without tripping myself up.
    - K. Flay
  • My dad was a serious alcoholic, and ultimately, that's why he died. When you're a child of someone who struggled with things like that, you look for the common thread. Is there a pattern? Is there an inheritance of pathology in some way? That haunts me.
    - K. Flay
  • There's something distinct and interesting about a live performance. There's this weird immediacy that's, for me, really invigorating, and it just feels really rewarding.
    - K. Flay
  • More than anything for me, making music is about taking nothing and making something.
    - K. Flay
  • I feel like, for me, different environments are very important to me creatively. I think it's my norm to be on the move.
    - K. Flay