Best quotes by John Catsimatidis on People

Checkout quotes by John Catsimatidis on People

  • One mentor I had taught me that people do what you inspect, not necessarily what you expect. In other words, if nobody is watching, there will be some slack off.
    - John Catsimatidis
  • There are two New Yorks - Manhattan and everything else. I'm a Manhattanite. I feel sorry for those people who aren't.
    - John Catsimatidis
  • Anytime you cut food stamps, it naturally affects sales. People spend less.
    - John Catsimatidis
  • What transpired at Semgroup was no less than a $500 billion fraud on the people of the world.
    - John Catsimatidis
  • Nobody destroys people - people destroy themselves, and it's very, very sad.
    - John Catsimatidis
  • I love people. I enjoy people.
    - John Catsimatidis
  • I believe that all people that are successful should pay back their cities, their states, their towns, our country.
    - John Catsimatidis