Best quotes by Chris Eubank Sr. on Me

Checkout quotes by Chris Eubank Sr. on Me

  • I can slip a punch, not by three inches, but by a centimetre. Just have it brush past me. And raise an eyebrow at the same time.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • Boxing is the more dangerous activity from the rugby player's and the general public's point of view, but to me rugby is far more dangerous so I would prefer my sons to box. I love my children too much and do not want to watch them getting hurt. This is in no way intended as a criticism of rugby, which I consider to be a fantastic sport.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • I am always fully in tune with the interviewer, who is usually trying to make me look silly. My objective is quite the opposite during an interview: I never use my wit or my intellect to make the interviewer look silly.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • It's the only thing that allowed me to win so many championship fights and allowed me to put up with the bigotry of the media, the keyboard warriors, the critics. I've endured it all because, spiritually, I am buoyant, alive.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • Michael Watson is a part of me. It's in my head, it's in my grain. There are scars within me. Therefore, those scars are what allows me to steer and protect other fighters.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • For lunch I like corned beef, white rice and fried onions, which I've eaten for as long as I can remember. My father used to make it; now, no one does it like me.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • My father never played with me. I can remember my father picking me up - once. I can remember my father telling me behind a closed door that he loved me - once.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • I probably give 80% more to my children than my father gave to me and still it doesn't come up to scratch. I don't feel guilty about it. Do my children love me? I think that is self-evident. Will they have psychological scars? No, because they have a wonderful mummy.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • When I finished boxing, all that was available was commentating. But that's not me. I've got too much artistic licence to get out.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.
  • The harshness of my upbringing did not affect me in the negative. But it has affected many people in the negative.
    - Chris Eubank Sr.