Best quotes by Amber Mark on Time

Checkout quotes by Amber Mark on Time

  • Music can be a way for me to think back a lot of the time, almost like an opening into all the nostalgia I never express.
    - Amber Mark
  • I would say the first concert I ever went to is my earliest memory. I was four and already obsessed with Michael Jackson. We were living in Munich at the time. My mom, being the best person ever, somehow managed to get us two tickets to the '97 Michael Jackson History World Tour.
    - Amber Mark
  • When I wrote 'Monsoon,' I always imagined the music video being shot in India. The song had so much to do with my time in India with my mother as well as leaving her in India during the monsoon season to visit my family in N.Y. It really was a dream come true when I was given the opportunity to shoot in India.
    - Amber Mark
  • I think I have a harder time writing about things that I am not actually going through.
    - Amber Mark
  • I've heard stories of other people that are similar stories to me - their mother or father passing away. People have come out to me on Instagram. It's amazing that they can tell me and confide in me. I always want to take the time and write these long messages telling them how much that means to me.
    - Amber Mark