Best quotes by Billy Crystal on Me

Checkout quotes by Billy Crystal on Me

  • Doing my Broadway show '700 Sundays' reminded me how much I love working in front of an audience.
    - Billy Crystal
  • My grandparents invented joylessness. They were not fun. I've already had more fun with my grandchildren than my grandparents ever had with me.
    - Billy Crystal
  • My Aunt Sheila was terrifying! She would put a napkin in her mouth and say, 'You've got something on your face, dear. Let me just scratch that off your face. Let me sand your cheek.'
    - Billy Crystal
  • Believe me, happiness is not ticking off Walter Cronkite.
    - Billy Crystal
  • My granddaughter's birth has made me want to create things she will love.
    - Billy Crystal
  • I was a film-directing major at NYU. I'm still not sure why I became a directing major, when I was really an actor and a comedian, but there was something that drew me to doing that.
    - Billy Crystal
  • My dad, Jack, had a great sense of humour and had a strong impact on me and my humour.
    - Billy Crystal
  • I could always improvise. Some of my teachers remember me standing in front of the class with a flower on my head, talking about photosynthesis. I'd stop and say, 'Is this working for any of you?' The kids were like, 'What is he doing?'
    - Billy Crystal