Best quotes by Konnie Huq on People

Checkout quotes by Konnie Huq on People

  • A Final Say referendum on the Brexit that actually lies in front of us will give everyone a tangible and decisive vote. I and most people, Brexiteers and Remainers alike, want the same thing - the best for the UK.
    - Konnie Huq
  • I guess when you're on 'Blue Peter' there's that goody-two-shoes image which people find attractive.
    - Konnie Huq
  • Journalists know other journalists - that's the only reason my engagement made it into the papers. I don't think real people are interested - just the media, just Twitter!
    - Konnie Huq
  • The internet creates a mask and you are talking to people who you don't necessarily know.
    - Konnie Huq
  • My husband Charlie says I get ready five minutes before I go out the door. I am one of those people who can't do anything unless it's imminent - that's how I roll.
    - Konnie Huq
  • I don't usually eulogise about people, but I saw Russell Brand doing stand-up before he was really high profile. I didn't really know what to expect but I laughed until my belly ached.
    - Konnie Huq
  • Because Blue Peter can get you access to places - if you go to somewhere like Nasa, you don't just see what most people see, you can get a lot of behind the scenes access. You can talk to an astronaut.
    - Konnie Huq