Best quotes by Garth Risk Hallberg on New

Checkout quotes by Garth Risk Hallberg on New

  • I fell in love with New York at some indeterminate point in my early years.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg
  • I have this weird tropism for islands. Take me to an island as far from New York as I can possibly go.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg
  • Narnia, Middle-earth and New York were my three fantasy universes when I was a kid.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg
  • I had this dream that I was going to come to New York and be a writer.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg
  • I started coming up to New York at age 17. There was a girl I met over the summer somewhere; I was chasing her. I would drive up to D.C., where I had made some friends, which was about four hours away, and we would take the bus up to New York.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg
  • I always thought I was going to be a great poet, and go and live in New York, where the great poets lived - you know, where Whitman had walked the streets.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg
  • I'd been coming to New York for weekends since I was 17, and after 9/11, I started making these trips more frequently, just to make contact with the city.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg
  • I associated excellence in writing with New York City.
    - Garth Risk Hallberg