Best quotes by Lecrae on God

Checkout quotes by Lecrae on God

  • I would say before I dedicated my life to living for God, I was really your average thrill seeker.
    - Lecrae
  • To realize that I had been living a lie, to realize that I was unsatisfied and I would never be satisfied until I came to Jesus was so revolutionary to me that I wanted everyone to taste it. I wanted everyone to see how awesome God was.
    - Lecrae
  • I thought that God and rap would never work. I thought that God wasn't okay with rap. People knew I used to rap, and I went to the Bible studies. Someone said, 'Hey, you should rap about Jesus.'
    - Lecrae
  • It is possible to call God 'Lord,' to feel emotionally connected to faith, to do the altruistic things and still not want God.
    - Lecrae
  • A lot of times, we believe what the media says about us or what our awards or accolades say about us instead of what God says about us.
    - Lecrae
  • If my significance comes from God, then I know I'm always secure.
    - Lecrae