Best quotes by Klaus Schwab on Change

Checkout quotes by Klaus Schwab on Change

  • Change can be frightening, and the temptation is often to resist it. But change almost always provides opportunities - to learn new things, to rethink tired processes, and to improve the way we work.
    - Klaus Schwab
  • As the novelty of wearable tech gives way to necessity - and, later, as wearable tech becomes embedded tech - will we be deprived of the chance to pause, reflect, and engage in meaningful, substantive conversations? How will our inner lives and ties to those around us change?
    - Klaus Schwab
  • Technological change is never an isolated phenomenon. This revolution takes place inside a complex ecosystem which comprises business, governmental and societal dimensions. To make a country fit for the new type of innovation-driven competition, the whole ecosystem has to be considered.
    - Klaus Schwab
  • When you can't cope with change, you feel overwhelmed, and you look for a simple solution.
    - Klaus Schwab
  • It was a hallmark of Nelson Mandela's leadership that being open to change made him appear not weaker, but even stronger.
    - Klaus Schwab
  • The Millennials, a generation born digital, will have a much stronger impact on social behaviour than we currently assume. Global climate change and resource security will influence our lives in substantial ways.
    - Klaus Schwab