Best quotes by Sarah Brightman on Space

Checkout quotes by Sarah Brightman on Space

  • Finally my dream came true in that there was a possibility that I could travel to the International Space Station. I've gone through the medicals and the training and now I'm officially, by the Russian Space Federation, a cosmonaut in training.
    - Sarah Brightman
  • I've always been interested in space and the idea of exploration in that area since I was a child growing up through the '60s.
    - Sarah Brightman
  • I was born in 1960, and space theory, especially in the last part of that time and going into the '70s, space was very relevant at that time. It was on television - all the experiments, the moon landings, everything like that.
    - Sarah Brightman
  • I've wanted to go to space, really, since I was a little girl.
    - Sarah Brightman
  • As I'm sure you may know, I'm planning to become a spaceflight participant and have been recently approved to begin my spaceflight training by the Russian space federation having passed the necessary medical and physical tests.
    - Sarah Brightman
  • A journey into space is the greatest adventure I can imagine.
    - Sarah Brightman
  • I actually want to go up into space.
    - Sarah Brightman
  • When you gaze at stars and think about planets, the places it takes your imagination are amazing! You look up the sky, and you know the stars have always been here; they were referenced in biblical times and have always been present. They are somewhere up there in the future, and they guide you; they make you feel safe.
    - Sarah Brightman