Best quotes by Kim Edwards on Dreams

Checkout quotes by Kim Edwards on Dreams

  • I lived for two years in Odawara, a castle town an hour outside of Tokyo, near the sea. It's a beautiful place, and I drew on my experiences there when writing 'The Lake of Dreams.'
    - Kim Edwards
  • You don't know when you are immersed in a book what the reaction to it will be, but I feel great about 'The Lake of Dreams.'
    - Kim Edwards
  • I love 'Memory Keeper's Daughter,' but in some ways I think 'The Lake of Dreams' is a stronger book. I was able to tell the story I wanted to tell. That's all you can ever do as a writer. From there on you have no control over it.
    - Kim Edwards
  • 'The Lake of Dreams' grew gradually, over many years, elements and ideas accruing until they gained enough critical mass to become a novel.
    - Kim Edwards
  • I hadn't really thought about this until 'The Lake of Dreams,' but I've set all my stories in places that are familiar to me. It frees me up to spend more imaginative time on the characters.
    - Kim Edwards