Best quotes by Killer Mike on People

Checkout quotes by Killer Mike on People

  • Government should fear the people, not the other way around.
    - Killer Mike
  • For the people of Baltimore, I don't criticize rioting, because I understand it. But after the fires die down, organize, strategize, and mobilize.
    - Killer Mike
  • Atlanta is unique to me. You got poor black people, but I also saw this: I saw black doctors, lawyers, educators. All you gotta do is want to be it to see it, and once you see something, it can be a reality.
    - Killer Mike
  • If we could figure out ways for kids to exit college without having the burden of debt, what we have really figured out is how to create a more fertile breeding ground for people who can think innovatively and progress us as a species.
    - Killer Mike
  • Ultimately, Dead Prez should have went multi-platinum. But when people didn't rally around them, I knew the black hip-hop audience had become far less politicized.
    - Killer Mike
  • If you don't like the NRA, get a million black people to join. Go to the convention. Realize that this ain't white people in hoods, just regular working class people like you that are probably going to be friendly and engage you. And then add your thoughts to the agenda.
    - Killer Mike
  • I'm happy to be for people what Scarface, Ice Cube, and Rakim have been for me.
    - Killer Mike
  • We have essentially gone from being communities that were policed by people from the communities to being communities that are policed by strangers, and that's no longer a community: that's an area that's under siege.
    - Killer Mike
  • Black people shouldn't have permanent friends or enemies: they should have permanent interest.
    - Killer Mike
  • Black people need to share collective dollars and demand equal representation, and the way you do that is by controlling their own economy and putting money behind candidates.
    - Killer Mike
  • The way you start to break down systemic racism is to start building individual relationships with people who are not like you.
    - Killer Mike