Best quotes by George Takei on American

Checkout quotes by George Takei on American

  • We were American citizens. We were incarcerated by our American government in American internment camps here in the United States. The term 'Japanese internment camp' is both grammatically and factually incorrect.
    - George Takei
  • I spent my boyhood behind the barbed wire fences of American internment camps and that part of my life is something that I wanted to share with more people.
    - George Takei
  • It was an egregious violation of the American Constitution. We were innocent American citizens, and we were imprisoned simply because we happened to look like the people who bombed Pearl Harbor. It shows us just how fragile our Constitution is.
    - George Takei
  • You know what the lowest rated episode we ever had was? Where Captain Kirk kissed Uhuru - a white man kissing an African-American woman. All the stations in the American South - in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana - refused to air it. And so our ratings plummeted.
    - George Takei
  • You know, I grew up in two American internment camps, and at that time I was very young.
    - George Takei