Best quotes by Blase J. Cupich on Society

Checkout quotes by Blase J. Cupich on Society

  • The church can challenge society, but society also challenges the church. That's good. We should be humble enough to be able to accept that.
    - Blase J. Cupich
  • We budget quite a bit of money every year in order to assist people who are migrating here, people who are trying to enter into our society and be a part of the American dream.
    - Blase J. Cupich
  • Here are the ingredients of a tragedy: untreated mental illness, a society where life is cheap and crime is glamorized, and a ready supply of firearms.
    - Blase J. Cupich
  • Society cannot escape what is essentially a moral question: When does human life deserve legal protection from the state? And society certainly cannot escape this dilemma by denying that it is fundamentally a moral issue, no matter what position one chooses.
    - Blase J. Cupich
  • Some pro-life advocates focus almost exclusively on the rights and suffering of the unborn baby, while some pro-choice advocates focus equally exclusively on the rights and suffering of pregnant women. This is a distortion of the moral choice that confronts us as a society.
    - Blase J. Cupich
  • Abortion is a searing and divisive public policy issue precisely because two significant sets of rights are in conflict, and no matter which set of laws it enacts, society must choose between those rights.
    - Blase J. Cupich