Best quotes by Karen Armstrong on Compassion

Checkout quotes by Karen Armstrong on Compassion

  • If we want to create a viable, peaceful world, we've got to integrate compassion into the gritty realities of 21st century life.
    - Karen Armstrong
  • Compassion is the key in Islam and Buddhism and Judaism and Christianity. They are profoundly similar.
    - Karen Armstrong
  • Compassion is a practically acquired knowledge, like dancing. You must do it and practice diligently day by day.
    - Karen Armstrong
  • Compassion is not a popular virtue.
    - Karen Armstrong
  • Compassion is not a popular virtue. Very often when I talk to religious people, and mention how important it is that compassion is the key, that it's the sine-qua-non of religion, people look kind of balked, and stubborn sometimes, as much to say, what's the point of having religion if you can't disapprove of other people?
    - Karen Armstrong
  • Compassion doesn't, of course, mean feeling sorry for people, or pity, which is how the word has become emasculated in a way.
    - Karen Armstrong