Best quotes by Victoria Beckham on Me

Checkout quotes by Victoria Beckham on Me

  • My glasses say a lot about me because I think me in a pair of sunglasses is an image that a lot of people would recognise.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • I'm still me even after all that's happened.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • I want to evolve each season. I never want to be one of those brands where people know what they're going to see. I always want an element of surprise. One thing I never want to do is copy what anybody else is doing. I have a signature, and it's very important to me to stay true to that.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • There are rumors that we want to move back to the U.K., but we're so happy in America I actually can't see us ever leaving... People ask me how long it took to adapt. Twenty minutes.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • When I started out in fashion, everything had to be very structured and tight and controlling, and now I'm getting to a point where I think - I could wear a great big parka, that could be quite fabulous. I haven't always got to show off my size, show off my shape. It's a turning point for me.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • When I was on stage with the Spice Girls, I thought people were there to see the other four and not me.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • This person they make me out to be irritates the hell out of me as well.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • People I respect complimenting me on my work in fashion is more exciting to me than anything I ever achieved as a Spice Girl.
    - Victoria Beckham
  • I'll admit it: I'm a control freak. I am. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it 110% or there's no point in doing it at all, especially if the work takes me away from time with my husband and children.
    - Victoria Beckham