Best quotes by Rob Reiner on People

Checkout quotes by Rob Reiner on People

  • I think Jews are the smartest people in the world.
    - Rob Reiner
  • People can be ignorant and still have loving, human qualities.
    - Rob Reiner
  • I act once in awhile if something comes up that seems fun. I like to do it - it's a lot of fun because there's no responsibility. You let other people have the headaches. The director has all of the headaches.
    - Rob Reiner
  • The reason they don't make movies for adults and for people which are the largest bulge of the population is because they are not usually going to the movie the first weekend. They take a while to learn about it, probably word of mouth. It takes a lot of money to release a picture.
    - Rob Reiner
  • I've made movies that nobody saw initially, and then, all the sudden, people over the years pick up on it. Like 'Spinal Tap' and 'Princess Bride.'
    - Rob Reiner
  • You have to give people the pleasure of giving you.
    - Rob Reiner
  • They make three types of movies, and if you don't make one of those three, you have to find independent financing: It's either big-action superhero tent-pole thing, or it's an animated film, or it's an R-rated, raunchy sex comedy. They don't make movies about real people.
    - Rob Reiner
  • A lot of times I'll make films that are mostly character-driven films - stories that involve people. Like, I make the joke: I like to make movies about human beings that live on Earth.
    - Rob Reiner