Best quotes by Kathleen Turner on Women

Checkout quotes by Kathleen Turner on Women

  • Being a sex symbol has to do with an attitude, not looks. Most men think it's looks, most women know otherwise.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • Get more women producers, writers, directors. Why should we expect men to do it for us? They can't.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • I figured as I got older, the good roles for women would be in the theatre. So 15 years ago I started building a Broadway career to try and develop the chops to be accepted as a great theatrical actress.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • I often play women who are not essentially good or likable, and I often go through a stage where I hate them. Then I end up loving and defending them.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • I would certainly choose my jobs depending on the actions of the character. I won't do anything that has to do with child abuse or women's abuse.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • I'm very practical. What I'm reaching for is individualism for women.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • There are still women who are not living their own lives, but living through their men or their children.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • What we need is more women writers, writing for older women. There are some actresses who have production companies and create their own material, and I truly admire that.
    - Kathleen Turner
  • Women are responsible for creating their own roles.
    - Kathleen Turner