Best quotes by Ricky Steamboat on Fans

Checkout quotes by Ricky Steamboat on Fans

  • The one moment above all that fans bring up from my career when they run into me is the Savage match. Here it is, 30 years later, and everywhere I go that's what people want to talk about.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I've wrestled in Hamilton and Toronto and the fans have always received me well there... It's always been one of my favorite areas to come in.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • The fans have always played a major role for me and have helped me do what I need to do in the ring.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • Fans watching need to be able to connect the dots in your match and the story that you're trying to tell.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I want to be remembered as one of the best entertainers that had come along. That is what I'd like fans to talk about when they mention Ricky Steamboat.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • There are fans out there who have never seen Andre The Giant wrestle but have heard the name and heard stories about his career and have seen the highlights of Wrestlemania III.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • There are so many young fans out there who have only seen me wrestle on tape.
    - Ricky Steamboat