Best quotes by Julien Baker on People

Checkout quotes by Julien Baker on People

  • I adopted this idea whether I was going to end up making music for three people in a bar or Wembley Stadium, I was always going to do music.
    - Julien Baker
  • There are so many people in Memphis who have real reasons to be angsty, but I was just a suburban white kid with all this misplaced rage.
    - Julien Baker
  • The midterms are a chance for people to vote out those they believe are failing to address the concerns of citizens.
    - Julien Baker
  • Connecting with people who are able to maintain a sense of humility is really useful.
    - Julien Baker
  • My music is not always about getting my ideas heard, it's about letting other people feel empowered to have their ideas heard by example.
    - Julien Baker
  • I hope we can dismantle the idea that the entire south is sitting on our porches spitting tobacco and hating gay people.
    - Julien Baker
  • There are people who are explicit and people who are implicit, right? Like I say, 'I think there is a God,' but I've seen Christian metalcore bands do altar calls at their shows and be like, 'Come get saved right now.' I think there's a subtler way, which is to say I'm being honest with my beliefs.
    - Julien Baker
  • There are people I haven't seen for a year and we will do a show or something and when we hang out it'll be this instant endearment. I'm like, 'Our lives, the cosmos, are intersecting, and this will bring us closer together again. I have no doubt.'
    - Julien Baker
  • Especially with women in music there is this unnecessary competitive element. And, like, why? Why do people do things where they try to put peers up against each other?
    - Julien Baker
  • It's just nice to have people around and see people actively trying to construct a community of mutual support around music.
    - Julien Baker
  • If I have the choice of saying one of two things to people, I'd like it to be the more honest and hopeful thing.
    - Julien Baker
  • There are a bunch of talented bands out there... So yeah, I often think, 'Why aren't these people onstage and why do I have a microphone?'
    - Julien Baker
  • I do not want to make art and then try to dictate how people use it, or how people interact with it.
    - Julien Baker