Best quotes by Saint Jhn on Me

Checkout quotes by Saint Jhn on Me

  • I don't know how to be comfortable. Comfort is uncomfortable to me so I push myself to new places.
    - Saint Jhn
  • My father wasn't present, so my older brother felt like a father. He was only two years older than me so that was all I had.
    - Saint Jhn
  • The only thing I know is the only things that I know. You can't ask me to talk about something I have no information on. I stay silent. It'd be foolish. So when I talk about something, it's something I at least have a little bit of familiarity with me.
    - Saint Jhn
  • I'm a Brooklyn kid. So for me, rap and all the other forms of music that I participate in, we catch a win? It's a win for everybody.
    - Saint Jhn
  • My mom made me read a ton of books, so I got good at words and understood the English language. So when I started rapping, words were something I knew. I learned how to manipulate them so that I could say whatever I wanted to say.
    - Saint Jhn
  • I was rapping because there were so many things that I wanted to say. There weren't enough words for me to articulate all of the things that I wanted to say in a three minute song.
    - Saint Jhn
  • I don't want to give you the opportunity to find a box to put me in, figure it out later. When the records come out song by song, you'll hear it and get to determine how you want to classify me.
    - Saint Jhn
  • The 4-year-old me was getting laughed in school at for being too dark.
    - Saint Jhn
  • If I say I'm rich enough times and enough people say it back to me, I gotta be rich, right?
    - Saint Jhn
  • I am building an archive. I don't need for anyone to tell me that I matter. I am just going to record it for myself.
    - Saint Jhn