Best quotes by Greg Boyle on People

Checkout quotes by Greg Boyle on People

  • My job isn't to fix or rescue or to save. It's to accompany, see people, listen to them.
    - Greg Boyle
  • Homeboy Industries has chosen to stand with the 'demonized' so that the demonizing will stop; it stands with the 'disposable' so that the day will come when we stop throwing people away.
    - Greg Boyle
  • People have to see that there is a high degree of complexity about belonging to a gang. It's a symptom, not a problem.
    - Greg Boyle
  • Businesses have come and gone at Homeboy Industries. We have had starts and stops, but anything worth doing is worth failing at. We started Homeboy Plumbing. That didn't go so well. Who knew? People didn't want gang members in their homes. I just didn't see that coming.
    - Greg Boyle
  • Jesus did not only serve the needs of the people, but truly hoped that the people and Jesus would be one.
    - Greg Boyle
  • People have started to see that 'smart on crime' rather than 'tough on crime' makes sense.
    - Greg Boyle
  • Young people can change and grow. Every parent knows that.
    - Greg Boyle