Best quotes by Nita Strauss on Me

Checkout quotes by Nita Strauss on Me

  • The thing that drove me, and the thing that still drives me today to stay sober is all the blessings that have come into my life since this happened.
    - Nita Strauss
  • Nothing is more important to me than love.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I think the WWE Universe have really accepted me, because they know I'm one of them.
    - Nita Strauss
  • All my real heroes made instrumental albums. All my own career has been spent playing in bands, but I never forgot that dream of what inspired me to pick up the guitar in the first place.
    - Nita Strauss
  • There were always people in the audience that judged me on the way I looked. They just assumed, because I was a girl, that I wasn't going to be any good, and it motivated me to improve and nail it every night.
    - Nita Strauss
  • To put my name on a track as a solo artist was a big deal to me. There was no band to act as a buffer.
    - Nita Strauss
  • Me personally, I've had really great experiences. I'd be lying if I said it was all roses and perfect, but, by and large, the metal community is so incredibly supportive.
    - Nita Strauss
  • It never really occurred to me to seek out a female influence, a female musician.
    - Nita Strauss
  • I love my regular job playing with Alice Cooper, I love doing my solo stuff, I love doing guest spots and guest tours. So I just love to play, and I'll play with anybody that'll have me, just about.
    - Nita Strauss