Best quotes by Juliana Hatfield on Myself

Checkout quotes by Juliana Hatfield on Myself

  • I find myself a fascinating subject.
    - Juliana Hatfield
  • My whole life was writing, recording and touring over and over again. At some point I realised I wasn't enjoying myself any more.
    - Juliana Hatfield
  • I never felt happy with the idea that part of what I do is to be an object to be looked at. I thought of my public persona as an entity separate to myself.
    - Juliana Hatfield
  • I still have a lot of those depressive thoughts, but now I have the foresight to tell myself, 'Don't think like that,' and things seem better.
    - Juliana Hatfield
  • I've been embarrassing myself publicly for over 20 years. Why should I stop now?
    - Juliana Hatfield