Best quotes by Marco Rubio on God

Checkout quotes by Marco Rubio on God

  • Everything that I will ever accomplish, I owe to God, to my parent's sacrifices, and to the United States of America.
    - Marco Rubio
  • I believe God has blessed our country. This country has been extraordinarily blessed. And we have honored that blessing. And that's why God has continued to bless us.
    - Marco Rubio
  • Our national motto is 'In God we Trust,' reminding us that faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all.
    - Marco Rubio
  • We are special because we've been united not by a common race or ethnicity. We're bound together by common values. That family is the most important institution in society. That almighty God is the source of all we have.
    - Marco Rubio
  • The more science learns, the more I'm convinced that God is real.
    - Marco Rubio