Best quotes by Julia Mancuso on Me

Checkout quotes by Julia Mancuso on Me

  • When I travel, I always have about 40 pairs of skis with me, plus a ski technician and a ski coach.
    - Julia Mancuso
  • My best event is Super-G. I'm competitive in all my events, but Super-G has been most consistent for me.
    - Julia Mancuso
  • What has helped me prevent injuries is being connected and having my body aligned. Every morning, I roll out and then work on my core and my balance.
    - Julia Mancuso
  • I find music distracting - it takes me out of my head. What I love so much about skiing is the peacefulness.
    - Julia Mancuso
  • For me, personally, getting a podium is not as important as feeling super comfortable on my skiing.
    - Julia Mancuso