Best quotes by Joe Perry on Time

Checkout quotes by Joe Perry on Time

  • Take life on life's terms - one day at a time. And have fun while you're doing it.
    - Joe Perry
  • Five years after Aerosmith got back together, I realized how fragile we are as humans. There was a time I thought we were bulletproof, but then things happened and I came to the realization that I had to play every gig as if it was my last show. You have to start thinking that way, because you never know what's going to happen next.
    - Joe Perry
  • I really didn't like 'Done With Mirrors.' I really didn't like 'Just Push Play.' Then there are other records I really think were good for their time, like 'Toys and Rocks.'
    - Joe Perry
  • People spend their careers trying to figure out what makes a hit single. But I learned a long time ago that you can't anticipate what people want, because it's always going to change.
    - Joe Perry
  • I don't spend much time listening to the records when they're done. Usually I let go of it. Especially in the Eighties and Nineties - they were like product, almost.
    - Joe Perry
  • That's what I love about music. It's immediate. There's a connection whether you are playing at Hyde Park or Chicago, and it's been happening since the beginning of time and the troubadours.
    - Joe Perry
  • For years I've wanted to find some guys that I could work with, because I realized a long time ago that I can do a lot of things other than Aerosmith.
    - Joe Perry
  • I was very fascinated by the time when firearms went from being fire sticks to being something people could use to hunt and to survive.
    - Joe Perry
  • Every time I get in front of an audience, I do the best I can. I really don't look at it like, you know, 'This is gonna be this crowd, or that crowd.' If anything, I think about the demographics only because of what songs will entertain more than others.
    - Joe Perry