Best quotes by John Tiffany on World

Checkout quotes by John Tiffany on World

  • Usually, in theatre, you're adapting existing material or creating an entirely new play. With the 'Cursed Child,' we have been given the unique opportunity to explore some of the most cherished books and beloved characters ever written, yet work with J. K. Rowling to tell a story from that world that no one yet knows - it's exhilarating.
    - John Tiffany
  • When I get really down, I remember that we all share 99.99 per cent of our DNA with Beyonce. And suddenly, the world doesn't seem too bleak.
    - John Tiffany
  • We just don't need any more 'Macbeth's in the world, however brilliant mine might turn out to be.
    - John Tiffany
  • I think associate director jobs are the best in the world, because you can do what you want and not have to take responsibility for it!
    - John Tiffany
  • I want to understand the anger in the world.
    - John Tiffany