Best quotes by Winona Ryder on People

Checkout quotes by Winona Ryder on People

  • I was inspired by lots of people, certainly in acting and in writing and stuff, but I never wanted to be somebody else.
    - Winona Ryder
  • I approached work very seriously. I never went out. I couldn't fathom people who could go out to clubs... I mean, if I had a 6 A.M. call, I had to be prepared. I had to be in bed at a certain hour.
    - Winona Ryder
  • I wanted to be just a normal girl flirting with a normal guy. It's like, you meet people, and they know this stuff about you. It's why you want to meet somebody who's in the same business, only because they understand more. But you don't necessarily want to be with another actor.
    - Winona Ryder
  • I feel a little stronger than people perceive me.
    - Winona Ryder
  • People think that they just want movies like Pretty Woman, when really they - at least the ones that I know personally - have been waiting for something that doesn't completely insult them.
    - Winona Ryder
  • That's an aspect of this business which can be very frustrating and aggravating. Most of what is written about you is wrong and so much of what does get printed is often about personal things that you don't want to have other people read about.
    - Winona Ryder
  • It's just people should realize that the celebrity aspect of being an actor is very rarely enjoyable for people like me who would always rather go unnoticed and disappear into the crowd.
    - Winona Ryder
  • Break-ups are hard for anybody, but it's particularly tough when it's being documented and you see the person's picture everywhere. Most people don't have that added problem when they break up with someone.
    - Winona Ryder