Best quotes by Chris Long on Work

Checkout quotes by Chris Long on Work

  • I play in a league that's 70 percent black and my peers, guys I come to work with, guys I respect who are very socially aware and are intellectual guys, if they identify something that they think is worth putting their reputations on the line, creating controversy, I'm going to listen to those guys.
    - Chris Long
  • You may doubt the significance of your work, but work faithfully anyways.
    - Chris Long
  • I do have great memories from when my pops got inducted. Obviously, knowing him and knowing how hard he worked in pro football for so long and what he sacrificed, the physical side of it, the injuries, and the grinding and now eight years into the NFL you know what hard work that is.
    - Chris Long
  • Michelle Obama has also done a lot of work in the scope of educational equity and being able to work with her on some of her initiatives has been awesome. I'm very honored.
    - Chris Long
  • The older you get, it is harder to prepare physically, even if you have all the experience in the world. You're more sore the next day, you can't pack in as much, and you have to train smarter. You have to pay attention to more subtle things like your warmup routine or core work.
    - Chris Long
  • I've had to work and scratch and claw for every inch of what I've gotten as a football player.
    - Chris Long
  • When I entered free agency, I said whatever team I end up on, I'm going to work.
    - Chris Long