Best quotes by John Ortberg on Life

Checkout quotes by John Ortberg on Life

  • My main job is to live with deep contentment, joy, and confidence in my everyday experience of life with God. Everything else is job number two.
    - John Ortberg
  • Sin is, somehow, at the root of all human misery. Sin is what keeps us from God and from life. It is in the face of every battered woman, the cry of every neglected child, the despair of every addict, the death of every victim of every war.
    - John Ortberg
  • Normally, if someone's legacy will outlast their life, it's apparent when they die. On the day when Alexander the Great, or Caesar Augustus, or Napoleon, or Socrates, or Muhammad died, their reputations were immense. When Jesus died, his tiny, failed movement appeared clearly at an end.
    - John Ortberg
  • The human longings that are deep inside of us never go away. They exist across cultures; they exist throughout life. When people were first made, our deepest longing was to know and be known. And after the Fall, when we all got weird, it's still our deepest longing - but it's now also our deepest fear.
    - John Ortberg
  • I wrote 'Soul Keeping' because we are taught more about how to care for our cars than how to steward our souls. But you cannot have an impactful life with an impoverished soul.
    - John Ortberg
  • As much as we complain about it, though, there's part of us that is drawn to a hurried life. It makes us feel important. It keeps the adrenaline pumping. It means I don't have to look too closely at my heart or life. It keeps us from feeling our loneliness.
    - John Ortberg
  • Opposition is an inevitable reality of pastoral life.
    - John Ortberg
  • Jesus' life as a foot-washing servant would eventually lead to the adoption of humility as a widely admired virtue.
    - John Ortberg
  • The only true and lasting inspiration for life is genuine love for God, and submitted gratitude that I get to be a part of the redemptive quest.
    - John Ortberg
  • Death is the prerequisite to resurrection, the new life God intends.
    - John Ortberg
  • The hurried can become unhurried. But it will not happen by trying alone, nor will it happen instantly. You will have to enter a life of training.
    - John Ortberg