Best quotes by Matthew Walker on People

Checkout quotes by Matthew Walker on People

  • Human beings are the only species that deliberately deprive themselves of sleep for no apparent gain. Many people walk through their lives in an underslept state, not realizing it.
    - Matthew Walker
  • I just tell people I'm a dolphin trainer. It's better for everyone.
    - Matthew Walker
  • People dramatically underestimate how much sleep is linked to all the diseases killing us. We know a lack of sleep is linked to numerous forms of cancer - bowel, prostate, breast cancer.
    - Matthew Walker
  • I think the first general point to make from epidemiological studies across millions of people is the following - that short sleep predicts a shorter life. It predicts all cause mortality.
    - Matthew Walker
  • Back in the 1940s, people were sleeping on average just a little bit over eight hours a night, and now, in the modern age, we're down to around 6.7, 6.8 hours a night.
    - Matthew Walker
  • I think many people walk through their lives in an under-slept state not realizing it. It's become this new natural baseline.
    - Matthew Walker
  • Some people actually sleep better when the significant other is with them. For other couples, it's the opposite.
    - Matthew Walker
  • Based on the science, you can make somewhat clear statements: The number of people who can survive on six hours of sleep without impairment is zero.
    - Matthew Walker