Best quotes by Patrick deWitt on Work

Checkout quotes by Patrick deWitt on Work

  • If I were to continue to work in an established mode, it stands to reason the work would be limited by this - that it would never surpass the prior work in quality.
    - Patrick deWitt
  • The idea is this: It's important to upset one's work habits, to topple the cart for each project.
    - Patrick deWitt
  • My interest in words and literature is always changing. And every day of work is different, and it doesn't feel laborious in the way that, say, washing dishes did. I'm quite happy to be doing what I'm doing, and I feel very lucky.
    - Patrick deWitt
  • Some deeper part of me wants to write comical dialogue; I'd be foolish to not follow that impulse. Now I recognize that if there's energy to a section of work, you go where the energy is. It's a living thing, and you just follow it.
    - Patrick deWitt
  • The nice thing about writing at home is that it's almost as though I'm doing it already. I get out of bed thinking of my work, and I don't have to go anywhere to do it.
    - Patrick deWitt
  • Humorous writing is often thought of as substandard in comparison to work with a more dramatic or tragic intent. I don't know what to say to this except that I disagree wholeheartedly.
    - Patrick deWitt